Jane Stanfield Coaching & Consulting
Jane Stanfield Coaching & Consulting
Health Service Improvement Coach
Health Service Improvement Coach
"An empowered organisation is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organisational success"
SR Covey
Professional Coaching
Professional Coaching
Having coached in both the public and private sector, from “on the floor” to Executive members, Jane brings her extensive knowledge and experience in the healthcare system to all of these relationships. Coaching is at the pace and time that suits the client. (More details below)
Team Facilitation
Team Facilitation
Jane will work with you (and your team) to develop a customised plan, tailored to your, or your organisation’s, service requirements and incorporating your ideas, local knowledge and strengths. (More details below)
Conferences & Keynotes
Conferences & Keynotes
Jane’s engaging, authentic presentation style yields high satisfaction scores on evaluations. Jane’s aim is that audiences leave with a new insight that will be easily applicable in the real world and start making a difference to care easily and immediately. (More details below)

With a career spanning over 30 years, 50% in clinical midwifery and 50% in Clinical Governance, Culture and Leadership and Health Administration, Jane’s experience lies in coaching leaders and teams to implement local, relevant culture change. Her focus is on changes that energise and motivate healthcare providers to improve the safety and reliability of their care and its focus on the patient/ client, whilst caring for themselves. Her key interest is how “the way we do things” (culture) really affects our care and outcomes and how to DO something practical about it. Jane's current focus is bringing compassion back to healthcare – for ALL involved!
Career Highlights
Career Highlights
- Establishing first Birth Centre in Queensland – Caseload Midwife
- King Edward Memorial Hospital Inquiry – Midwife Reviewer
- Establishing Human Error and Patient Safety (HEAPS) – Qld Health
- Initiating Transforming Care Program – Qld Health
- Coaching with The Studer Group
- Developing Leadership and Safety Workshops for Health Professionals
Key Influences
Key Influences
- Neuroscience and its impact on communication and well being
- Positive Psychology - strengths based; solution focussed
- Managing Energy vs (only) Managing Time
- General Fundamental Management Principles
- Complex Systems and Human Factors - for a safer culture
- Compassion Focused Therapy
- Mindfulness
“I have to thank you so much for the idea…with our medical officers, it broke down all barriers and
made them feel valued and heard…The transformation has been amazing, all MOs are really easy to
approach now, willing to talk and happy to help out. So a very big thank you to you, all your advice was
so helpful and has made such a difference for me as a new hospital manager.”
Hospital Manager
Hospital Manager
Rural Hospital; NSW
“The Executive Group and I wanted to pass on to you how excellent Jane Stanfield was during our site
visit this month. The staff have all come away incredibly inspired and fired up about the program as a
direct result of her warmth, energy, guidance, ability to relate and passion for the work. I also
experienced great modelling of a one on one and group coaching and feel renewed and invigorated
myself. It is wonderful to have her on board as our coach.”
Executive Team
Executive Team
Private Hospital; Queensland
“Jane, this morning was fabulous! Thanks so much for giving me your time and energy and passion.
Before our meeting I was beginning to feel somewhat overwhelmed with the scale of the task facing
me. You’ve given me so much food for thought and made the job more manageable. I hope we can do
lots more work together.”
Midwifery Educator; 1:1 Coaching
Midwifery Educator; 1:1 Coaching
Metropolitan Hospital; Queensland
Professional Coaching is simply a form of continuous professional development (CPD) which involves one to one (or small group) conversations with someone external to your immediate situation but familiar with the environment which is influencing you. A coach listens, asks questions, connects concepts and people and facilitates exploration from various perspectives (sometimes not evident to us when we are immersed in a certain world view or culture). A coach helps to “hold the space” where connections can be made that, left to chance, might not happen. Jane practices an emergent, discovery style coaching (tracked and recorded using her Coaching Framework). Once baselines are established in the coaching relationship, Jane moves (at the client’s pace) to a more goal and action oriented coaching. Pace, time and number of sessions are guided by the client themselves.
Health Service Improvement Supports
Health Service Improvement Supports
Professional Health Service Coaching
Professional Health Service Coaching
.Having coached in both the public and private sector, from “on the floor” to Executive members, Jane brings her extensive knowledge and experience in the healthcare system to all of these relationships. Coaching is at the pace and time that suits the client, all coaching sessions are documented by Jane and any resources, articles or ideas discussed in the session are researched and shared by Jane in a follow up email, allowing the coaching client to process and practice over the following weeks. Jane has designed her own Coaching Framework, which she shares with clients at the first visit.
Rural, Regional, Remote Coaching
Rural, Regional, Remote Coaching
Charleville, Longreach, Charters Towers, Sunshine Coast and Gympie are just some of the places Jane has clients. Her reach extends to Melbourne and Sydney and across professional levels from “on the floor and at the door” to Executives. Originally, Jane preferred to work face to face, however she (and her clients) have been delighted at the coaching relationship that can be built up remotely….the effects are the same (and there may even be some benefits)! Group (up to five) or individual sessions can be arranged.
Party Plan Workshops
Party Plan Workshops
A new offering based on Covid adjustments to our lives! Jane heard that many nurses miss and still prefer face to face workshops so, in the spirit of innovation (and new models of care) we have worked around it. If you would prefer to talk about Beating Burnout, Leadership and Management Conundrums and Creating Positive Experiences for your teams, patients and residents, in the privacy of your own home with safe colleagues around you….then this is the format for you! In the spirit of the old Tupperware parties, invite your colleagues around for the day (minimum 5 + host) and choose your topic. You provide the venue and catering, Jane provides the content and facilitation. You can’t do better than this for engagement and active learning! For details or to book your Party Workshop, contact us.
Team Facilitation
Team Facilitation
Jane will work with you (and your team) to develop a customised plan, tailored to your, or your organisation’s, service requirements and incorporating your ideas, local knowledge and strengths.
This can be done as either a “one off” facilitation model or a longer term coaching model. The coaching model includes planning, facilitation and ongoing coaching for up to 12 months. The latter model builds in sustainability, succession planning, supportive, long term, personalised leadership development and proven strategies for culture change in microenvironments.
Jane will provide research, ideas, reading and networks to help you to achieve your team's vision for their unit.
Presentations and Keynote Addresses
Presentations and Keynote Addresses
Jane’s engaging, authentic presentation style yields high satisfaction scores on conference evaluations. Keen to involve the participants comfortably, Jane breaks her sessions up with short, relevant activities. Her topics are punchy, surprising and, generally, from research outside of healthcare that applies to healthcare. Jane’s aim is that audiences leave with a new insight that will be easily applicable in the real world and start making a difference to care straight away (and easily)!
Online, "Jane brings passion and energy to your screen in discussing how to use simple and powerful language when confronted with challenging situations to assert yourself and advocate for your patient. Jane's dedication to creating change within the healthcare system is infectious and refreshing." (Ausmed Online)
Leadership Development Series
Leadership Development Series
- Stepping Stones Series (3 Single Days / Timeline of your choosing)
- General Leadership Series (Six four hour sessions / monthly or fortnightly recommended)
- Mindful Leadership (Five four hour sessions / Timeline of your choosing)
Hello! My healthcare story started as a child growing up as an expat in Latin America. From a very young age, I was aware how fortunate I was and started to develop a real sense of care and compassion for the people (and social conditions) I could see around me. With a history of nursing in the family it seemed a natural progression when I left school. I trained in Australia and quickly progressed to completing my midwifery training as well. I found my niche there and remained a midwife for the rest of my clinical career. Despite considering it my niche, I was disturbed by some of the practices and attitudes in the healthcare culture and quickly became interested in exploring “other ways of doing things” – I think my interest in exploring solutions from outside of healthcare and my curiosity about innovation, influence, culture and strategic planning was born there.
My career twisted and turned from there: I was in the first team of midwives to establish the Birth Centre at the Royal Womens’ Hospital, a new model of care for the State of Queensland at the time. My involvement in this led to an invitation to take part in the King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEMH) Inquiry in 2000. My role entailed reviewing and summarising the charts of 1,000 adverse events. Not surprisingly, this “birds eye view” of systems and communication (combined with my social justice bent) lit a fire in my belly for safety, quality, communication and understanding error and human factors. I helped to establish the first Human Error and Patient Safety (HEAPS) workshops in Queensland and continue presenting these to this day (currently known as CAPS – Communication and Patient Safety). This involvement led me to a decade in the public service, an experience rich in change management, influence, understanding politics and the real ins and outs of a massive and complex healthcare system.
During this time, reflecting my interest in innovation and improving the human condition (!) I established and ran a program which became known as Transforming Care. It was an emergent program, based on the power of social networks (before social media!) and a shared sense of purpose. Many of the innovations brought in during this time are in practice in healthcare today: patient journey boards, patient communication boards, bedside handover and medication safety vests among them.
I moved out of the public service and into the private sector. At this stage, I was a coach for The Studer Group in Australia and had the opportunity to coach several large organisations, including private and public hospitals and small, rural and remote facilities. This consolidated my love of coaching and supporting my colleagues. I felt hopeful for healthcare, especially when being led in “bite size” units (teams, departments, small facilities) and following a systematic improvement methodology.
My wake up call, and the start of my focus on well-being, came when my beautiful brother took his own life after an extended illness triggered by burnout in the social services. At the same time, I was experiencing “visceral” palpable anxiety myself. Though, sadly, my research about stress, anxiety, burnout and resilience came too late for my brother, it opened a whole new field of knowledge for me and has been life changing. This second wave of knowledge heavily influences my coaching, workshops and presentations and keeps me real with colleagues facing difficult times in our complex systems. It led me to the field of neuroleadership and a better understanding of the brain and physiology of stress, fear, dealing with complexity and burnout. More recently I have been fascinated by new information on the interplay of our sympathetic ("fight / flight") and parasympathetic ("rest / digest") nervous systems in the practice of compassion. I have found this field resonates strongly with health providers, for its pragmatism, relevance and familiar elements of physiology.
The key influences I bring to my coaching, workshops and presentations now include:
- Neuroscience and its impact on communication and well-being
- Positive Psychology - strengths based; solutions focused
- The Energy Project – findings and applications
- General Fundamental Management Principles
- Complex Systems and Human Factors - applications for a safer culture
- Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) principles
- Mindfulness